Renowable Energy

NHOE supports its clients in developing their systems / prototype machine and / or electromechanical products, providing expertise that comes from years of experience in high technology transferred in industrial and / or more consumer products.
NHOE puts its expertise at your disposal to develop the business of your company in the renewables sector.
NHOE can validate yours project with finite element analysis (FEM) and machines safety analisys; NHOE gives you all changes (CAD) needed to make appropriate the machine, all supported by the necessary EC documentation.
Experience NHOE supports its clients in identifying new suppliers of components and/or suppliers of machining with the best price/availability/reliability.
NHOE biaxial solar trackers can provide traditional (pole), but also on a chassis or turntable (see conceptual schemes below) depending on customer requirements.

The supply is characterized by:

-Sizing UNI-ENV 1991 Eurocode;
– Compliance with “New” Machinery Directive (in force since January 1, 2010) which transposes the 2006/42/EC European standard;
– Design that takes into account the highest flexibility and simplicity;
– Kinematics with range and accuracy as custumers requirements;
– Optimization of the weight;
– High modularity and reduced number of mechanical components;
– Small volume for transport and storage;
– Optimization of installation time.