
The elements of interface between MGSE (Mechanical Ground Support Equipment) and spacecraft are of fundamental importance in various phases of space missions. These elements are designed to facilitate and support the integration, testing, and launch of spacecraft.
Interface elements allow for conducting crucial tests before launch. These tests may include functional tests, vibration tests, thermal tests, and many others. The ability to perform accurate tests is essential to ensure that the spacecraft is ready for the space environment and to address the challenges it may encounter during the mission.
Proper interface between MGSE and the spacecraft is essential to ensure safety during integration and testing operations. This helps prevent damage to both the spacecraft and ground equipment, minimizing risks to the personnel involved.
Moreover, well-designed interface elements can improve the overall efficiency of space operations. They reduce the time required for integration and testing, allowing missions to adhere to their schedules and launch on time.

Here are a few examples of interfacing systems appropriate for this purpose: