Legal notes

Conditions and terms for accessing the website
Access to the pages of the website (hereinafter the “Site”) implies that the user accepts the terms and conditions set out below and those indicated in the other pages of the Site (hereinafter “General Conditions “). If you do not intend to accept these General Conditions, you are advised not to use the Site and not to download any material from it.

These General Conditions may be modified, at any time and without notice, by NHOE S.r.l. (hereinafter “NHOE”) at its sole discretion; the use of the Site after the aforementioned modifications will be considered as an unconditional acceptance of the General Conditions as modified.

The information, products, documentation and in general the elements and material present on this Site (hereinafter the “Information”) are disclosed solely for information, promotional and advertising purposes. None of the information contained on the Site can be considered binding for any negotiation or negotiation or commercial relationship. Any Information contained on the Site, while being updated and accurate, does not in any way bind NHOE, nor the managers of the Site, or other third parties who are referred to by the Site.

Rights on trademarks and other industrial property rights
Any trademark, logo, image, design, sound, music, video, software or other present on the Site is and will remain the exclusive property of NHOE, the exclusive owner or authorized for their use by Surveylab Ltd. (hereinafter “Surveylab”) owner of the ikeGPS trademark or by Menci Software Srl (hereinafter “Menci Software” owner of the OPK, APS and EVO trademarks. An exception is made for the images that show the CC BY-SA 2.0 license at the bottom that can be used in accordance with the license shown at the following link. Therefore, except when expressly indicated, they are expressly, except for strictly personal and non-commercial or industrial purposes, the partial or total reproduction, distribution, publication, transmission, modification, in whole or in part, and the sale of any brand, logo, image, design, sound, music, film, software or other present on the Site, unless otherwise provided in the pages of the Site.
By use for strictly personal purposes we mean storing on your computer or printing extracts from the pages of this Site solely for personal use; it is therefore to be considered illegitimate, except with the prior written consent of NHOE or, as far as it is owned, by Surveylab or Menci Software, the distribution and transmission to third parties of any brand, logo, image, design, sound, music, video, software or other present on the Site, their modification, republication, reuse through inclusion in other documents or files, as well as any type of re-processing.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Disclaimer
The Site aims to provide an overview of NHOE’s activities and the products of Surveylab and Menci Software connected to them. NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software do not provide any guarantee and assume no responsibility, in any capacity, on the functionality of this Site and the related software programs as well as on the content of all information contained in this Site; NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software cannot therefore be held responsible, for any reason, cause or title, for any damages of any size and nature, partial or total, direct or indirect, which may derive from the use of this Site and this even if NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software become aware of the possible occurrence of such damages.
NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software are in no way responsible for any damage resulting from accessing the Site and using or downloading the Information therein, whether such damage is consequent to defects, errors, or other or whether they are consequent to inability to use the material included on the Site.

The linked sites (links) are not controlled by NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software, which, therefore, are not and cannot be held responsible in any way, for any reason, cause or title, for the content of said linked sites or link addresses. Linking to other sites does not imply that NHOE, Surveylab and Menci Software sponsor or are affiliated with the entities that perform the services described on those sites.

Processing of personal data – Cookies
Access to some sections of the Site, the sending of curriculum vitae and / or any requests for information or services by the user may be subject to the inclusion of personal data whose processing by NHOE, as owner of the treatment, will take place in compliance with the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n.196 “Code regarding the protection of personal data”.

The release of personal data is a free choice of each user of the Site. There is no registration of personal data on the Site that does not take place except following a precise and specific notification to the user of the possibility of registering their personal data.

In order to allow the activation of specific functions, the Site may in some cases use the so-called Cookies. The user may, at his own free choice, be informed about the use or prevent the use of such tools by modifying the options relating to his navigation program.

Treatment of information received from NHOE S.r.l. – Allowance
With the sole exception of the user’s personal data, any material sent to this Site or to NHOE will be deemed to be of a non-confidential nature. NHOE will have no obligations of any kind with respect to such material and will be free to reproduce it, transmit it, distribute it, modify it, sell it and in general use it without limits and without any obligation to refer or advertise, in any form and manner, to the fact of ‘user submission.

NHOE will also be free to use all ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained in such material, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development, production and marketing of products using such material. Anyone who sends material guarantees that it can be published and agrees to hold NHOE harmless from any and all damage, cost or loss suffered by NHOE as well as from any and all claims for compensation made by third parties against NHOE, for any reason, cause or title. , however connected to the sending or shipment of such material by the user.

NHOE mark
The NHOE mark is registered (Article 111 (3) and (6), RMUE) under file number MUE 012465456 with date 24/12/2013 and periodically renewed.

Applicable Law – Jurisdiction
These General Conditions are governed by Italian law.

Any disputes related to the interpretation of these General Conditions will be devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome.
By using this Site, the user expressly agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome for the resolution of any disputes connected with the interpretation of these General Conditions.